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3CX V18 is here!

3CX V18 is here!

3CX v18 is here!
The final version of 3CX V18 is now available, giving best-in-class audio quality, performance, and dependability. With customer communication at the center, V18 offers a comprehensive integrated solution for communicating internally and connecting with prospects via phone, live chat, or video.

New 3CX Client and Desktop App.
With V18, 3CX upgraded the Web Client and made it available as a native Windows Desktop App, eliminating the requirement for browser extensions. The new Desktop App is built on the same Electron foundation as Teams and WhatsApp, allowing it to integrate more seamlessly with the operating system and provide a more dependable user experience. The Desktop App allows you to answer a call from the page you’re currently working on (for example, CRM) without switching apps.

Improved mobile apps for smooth remote work.
Better codec management – codec is automatically selected based on network (WiFi/3G/4G).
Improved reconnection in the event of network disruptions or drops.
Never miss a call – we worked with Google and Apple to increase the dependability of PUSH alerts.
Bluetooth and handsfree devices are now supported.
Siri integration – iOS users may now ask Siri to make calls using 3CX.

Single Sign-On (SSO) support
You may now log in to the Web Client using your Active Directory, Microsoft 365, or Google account. Local Active Directory accounts are supported by Microsoft’s free Azure AD Connect service.

Team integration
The Teams integration provides a more affordable option to MS365’s Calling Plans. We deliver a seamless unified calling experience for both 3CX and Teams users using our Teams SIP proxy. Users can call out using 3CX SIP trunks, which provide low-cost domestic and international pricing from regional SIP providers. Businesses may save money while also benefiting from a far more powerful PBX.

Voice Engine Reloaded – More efficient, more secure
V18 has received major internal improvements to increase audio quality, reconnection, and security.

A+ in Security – V18 has been updated to Debian 10, including the latest.NET core, OpenSSL, and Postgres, as well as the most recent ciphers. 3CX outperformed the competition in security, earning an A+ on Qualys labs and an A on Immunilabs.
Better Codec Management – The mobile applications and web client now employ G711 to eliminate transcoding, resulting in lower processing utilization and higher audio quality. Mobile applications employ G711 while connected to WiFi and G729 when connected to a mobile network.
Simple SRTP configuration enables easy call encryption.
Reduced processor and memory utilization by more than 50%.
Tunnel linked with the media server for quicker network recovery.

How to Get V18?
V18 is available for Linux (loaded with the 3CX iso), a supported cloud provider, and Raspberry Pi4. Windows will become available shortly. If your 3CX instance is hosted by 3CX, we will upgrade to version 18 within the next two weeks. Alternatively, you may upgrade the system manually via the Management Console.